Birthday gift shopping

Papa and Saitaoha enjoying a walk in the city. I was on a mission to head into the city early but this father and daughter duo thwarted my plans by waking up at 10.30am! If only I had the luxury of sleeping in…Saitaomei had other plans 😤.

The reason why I wanted to head in early was so we could beat the Ippudo ramen queue. It’s R’s birthday tomorrow so I wanted to celebrate with his favourite ramen. Even though we headed out later than planned, there was still no queue, yippee. Once we got in though, a queue formed behind us. I enjoyed my bowl of ramen despite a cranky/hangry Saitaoha. But R didn’t like his, he thought it was too salty and thinks the Sydney ippudo is a lot better.

Trying to act demure ah Saitaomei? She’s actually so much easier to bring out at this age, always calm and quietly observant.

I’m so loving Saitaomei at this age, I love it when we lock eyes and she beams at me. Sooo cute. Sometimes when I should be settling her for bed, I end up smothering her with kisses, stroking her smooth brow and inhaling her heady baby scent instead. I am going to miss this baby stage when it’s over.

Anyway we had a successful shopping excursion in the city. I told R that I wanted to get him a winter coat for his birthday present and that we would go pick one out for him. Lack of surprise factor but I think he prefers it this way, he’s so difficult to buy presents for. Anyway we ended up buying a jacket and a coat! He’s all set for winter and was very pleased with his presents haha.

I was dismayed at the crummy weather forecast for the rest of the week, it’s going to be wet and cold all week. I was planning to buy his birthday cake tomorrow and was annoyed that I would have to battle shopping with two kids plus the wet weather.

‘What time will you be home tomorrow?’ I asked R. He gave me a weird look and said ‘I’m going to take the day off’.

Huh? He never ever takes the day off and doesn’t make a fuss about his birthday’ I thought. Then the pin dropped.

‘Oh!! It’s a public holiday tomorrow!!’ Aiyoh, that’s what happens when you have mummy brain, you don’t even register public holidays anymore.

So I guess we will be buying a birthday cake together, hehe, surprise factor is really zilch. I even got R to chop up my chicken so I could prepare the chicken mushroom soup for his birthday noodles tomorrow 😅.

We went over to my parents’ so I could clean and prepare the house for their return. Saitaoha was happy to be reunited with her toys but asked me for the umpteenth time where gung gung and Mah Mah had gone.

Chicken soup and stir fried broccoli for dinner. Barley tong sui for supper. Saitaomei had avocado and banana for dinner and seemed to like it. Saitaoha ate everything and proceeded to eat yoghurt, nuts, rice crackers, popcorn and cheese throughout the night. ‘吃不会饱 this one’ said her papa.

It was a good weekend and made better because it continues tomorrow, woo hoo!

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June 2018

