Archive for July, 2021

Simple pleasures in life

It’s disconcerting to be back in the days of high school when Sunday night rolled around and I would be mourning the loss of the weekend and the start of another week of dreadful school. Now that work is like a battlefield everyday, I find myself dreading the start of Monday week and worrying about the fires that I have to put out and the new calamities that will befall our long suffering team.

Saitaomei and papa

On a positive note, it makes me treasure the time with my family even more and my weekends are the best time ever. I didn’t get to spend much time with the kids during school holidays, but I know they enjoyed their time with their cousins.

Christmas in July

They bicker and fight these cousins, but they also really adore each other. Especially my little ones, they worship and like their older cousins so much.

Rainy days, Saitaoha in her raincoat

It’s been raining cats and dogs for weeks , good for the farmers but bad for the gloomy office workers who now also have to battle the stormy torrents of rain on their commute to and fro from work.

Saitaoha enjoys her orange juice

Amongst the doom and gloom of work, I find myself savouring my simple pleasures in life. Small things like being able to cook dinner or breakfast for the family, getting to bake a cake for the neighbours, bringing the girls for their swimming classes and hanging out with my sister afterwards, watching Olympics with my family and chanting Aus-tra-ya! with my kids. All the simple pleasures in life that are keeping me going for now and reminding me that there is life outside of work, and that I have a lot to be thankful of.

Lockdown 3.0

It’s the third lockdown this year and thankfully there were 0 cases reported today so we are coming out of it. Perth is really a lucky city in that sense, so many scares but we come out relatively unscathed

It’s a double edged sword but somehow a lockdown also serves as a circuit breaker foe me from work. I don’t work less, in fact Saitaoha asked me a couple of times last week ‘why are you always working?’ ‘Mummy why do you work for sooo long???’ which broke my heart. So even though work doesn’t lessen, what comforts me is having the kids around me. They might not get quality mummy time, but at least I have breaks in between work when I can play with them a bit, cook and feed them and generally just being in their presence makes me happier.

Posing siblings in their jammies
Playground fun

When we came out of lockdown we brought them to our local playground before the rain started pouring for the week. It’s been wet and chilly so my cold has resurrected with a vengeance. My immune system is really next to zero.

Biker chick

I almost bought this Zara leather jacket because they looked so cute.

But I made do with pictures instead. Gosh my kids are so funny.

Saitaomei cracks me up
Girls in boots

Saitaoha is such a fashionista, I don’t remember being like that as a child. I think it was Jo my sister that was always into looking pretty haha.

Lovely Saitaoha

I am grateful for any little time that I can spend with them. Really my next job or project has to be a more sustainable one where I can have more time with the children.

Flower girl

They’re really growing up before my eyes and I fear that I’m missing their childhood/

July 2021

