Archive for March, 2022

Kuljak island

Saitaomei and her award

Saitaomei is finally upped a couple of levels for swimming, poor girl has been stuck with the same teacher for ages and isn’t learning anything new. I hope they find her a 9am class soon though, I am not looking forward to waking up so early on Saturdays !

Immediately picked this up when I saw it at the library, it was a really good read! I already know the story but it was very well written, factual and brutal. It was funny reading about people that I know and have met as well, I think they were put in a good light so I’m oddly proud of them.

Welcome to Kuljak Island!

We made it back to Kuljak island after three months. I’ve been wanting to go back for a whole, it’s nice to bring the girls for some outdoor activity and goodness know I could do with some exercise too.

Aiyoh my kids are real princesses. Wanted to put them on a tree branch and Saitaoha said ‘but what if there are ants???’

Super happy to get a piggyback ride from papa. It’s nice that they’re still small enough to get a ride on papa’s back, sigh not looking forward to the day they’re too big for this.

Emo nemo. I think she was a little bit tired after all that walking.

Resting for a while, I told them it looked like they were waiting for the bus.

Saitaomei pointing out the trees to me. It was fun being out and about nature, there were huge dragonflies buzzing up and down and ducks bobbing in the river.

This way or that way?

We took the lower route of course but we’re lost for a short while, Saitaoha kept asking me to check my map on the phone haha., she knows her mum is terrible in directions.

Papa and his girls, we have a lot of fun together during the weekends. It was extra nice this week because R wasn’t working on Saturday.

These girls are not avid bush walkers at all. Saitaomei told me her favourite part of the bushwalk was when we rested and didn’t walk. Saitaoha said her favourite part was eating!

Huge jellyfish alert!

The weekend ended with double rainbows in the sky. I love it that we all saw it together during our walk home.

Taiwanese style braised beef noodles for dinner, something different for a change, think R enjoyed dinner.

Sigh another weekend bites the dust. I’m not looking forward to this working week but at least I know lovely weekends are still ahead of us.

Long weekend

We had a great long weekend with the kids. I just felt we managed to have quality family time and I also had an enjoyable Saturday morning with my parents. I always enjoy my Saturday mornings with ah ma, sometimes I even wish I didn’t have to go for a swim (even though I do love my weekly swim and really need the exercise) so I can just sit and chat/gossip with ah ma a bit more.

Papa and his girls
Forever teasing his daughters

The girls and R finally started their seashell artwork activity. I didn’t help much at all, I was too busy cooking in the kitchen but I like to think I helped by supervising.


The artwork isn’t finished yet. We will add more lines and also write Busselton 2022 on it. We still have lots of shells so we are going to try pink seashell artwork next, the house is going to be filled with lots of seashells ๐Ÿ˜….

Bak kut teh

I forgot how nice it is to have a hot bowl of bak kut teh for dinner. Cooked bak kut teh, salted egg yolk chicken, loh bak and honey chicken, char kuey tiaw this week. Lots of cooking which is a sign of a good weekend.

Gung Gung and Saitaomei at school

My kids are growing up in such well loved environment!

๐Ÿง’๐Ÿป : can we go to Mah Mah’s house to play playdoh? She has a mat so we won’t be messy.

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป: Errr I’m not sure Saitaoha. It’s the weekend which means Mah Mah and Gung Gung are probably resting. You know how they are always so busy taking care of you right ? Like cooking, bringing you to school …

๐Ÿง’๐Ÿป: feeding us, and bathing us?

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป: Ya so they need their rest because it’s very hard work looking after you all.

๐Ÿง’๐Ÿป: (thinks for a second) but they LOVE US!!! I think Mah Mah will like us to go to her house!

๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿป Saitaomei: Ya! What if Gung Gung misses me??

๐Ÿ‘ฉ๐Ÿป: ……….

On another note, it’s been almost three weeks since R and I have set our house rules i.e. no video watching, limited game playing etc. and I’m pleased to report that it worked really well for us. I am missing my k dramas a little but R and I have been interacting with the kids better and much more often. I also find that I’m sleeping better and feeling much more rested. We are also closer as a family. We’ve agreed to continue with our house rules for now, I am praying that we don’t revert back to our bad habits and this small experiment ends up being a lifestyle change for our little family.

March 2022

