Archive for March, 2019

An update

She loves her dresses and skirts so much, everyday she’s asking whether she can pick out her dress for school. My sweet, spirited little girl. She has been exuding cheeky and stubborn tempers now and then, but most of the time she’s a sweet little girl.

This one just loves her food. But poor bubba has been fighting a stomach bug and has gastro. Aargh just when I thought she had recovered, she has the runs like 6 times today. She’s in a lot of discomfort and is very clingy, my poor girl.

I am not going to give her fresh milk for her while, I’m wondering whether she’s having too much dairy?

When they play happily together it’s so lovely to watch. Having two so close to age was tough parenthood but I really think it was worth it.

R and I will be going on a short getaway to Sydney soon, sans kids! I am both excited and very nervous for my parents. I also know I will miss the girls and am feeling very guilty especially when Saitaoha begs to go on a holiday. Clever girl senses her parents are going somewhere without her. It makes me think this is the last trip in a long long while that I will go without my kids.

Tea cup

Mei mei’s first time on a spinning tea cup. I think it was papa’s first time too πŸ˜….

She enjoyed her tea cup ride.


The long road

Bad MRI scan results. A visit to my neurosurgeon. I’ve asked to delay surgery with the hope that I can heal in time. But am I just delaying the inevitable? I am not sure. I guess I’m buying time in the hope of a miracle and to allow my kids to grow up a little bit more so they’re less dependent on mommy. Which is so ironic considering how I’ve been bemoaning about how I wish they wouldn’t grow up so fast.

A reflective bus ride home. Trying to be positive with the silliest thoughts ‘At least it’s not cancer’ ‘Is my pain worsening or is this phantom pain that I’m imagining after the consult?’ ‘I am such a burden to my family’ ‘What a bad fall’

In the meantime I text my sisters to let them know and bask in their comforting words. R is less comforting, because he never minces the truth and tells it like it is, but I need that sense of reality. I’m going to have to tell my parents when I get home, I can already imagine their crestfallen worried faces, sigh, my poor long suffering parents.

This is my year of recovery. It has to be.

Photos of the day

Saitaomei πŸ’•

Saitaoha πŸ’•

I always take photos of them because I want to capture them at this age forever.

Saitaoha’s first day at pre kindy

Saitaoha came running to me this morning and said excitedly ‘mummy! I want to go to school!’

Jumping up and down in glee she asked ‘mummy! I want to go to school, can you put on my dress for me?’

She had picked out the dress that she wanted to wear for her first day at school the night before.

As I helped her put on her dress, brushed her hair and wiped her face, I couldn’t help but feel a pang of loss. My little girl is going to her school. Bye bye baby Saitaoha.

She loved her first day and told us that she wanted to go back tomorrow.

There are so many fun learning activities for her at school. Even in those short hours (we only put her in for half days) she cane back with three art and craft pieces.

Saitaoha drawing her own portrait.

I know she will thrive at school, make lots of friends and learn lots. Tomorrow mei mei will go for daycare for the first time, my kids are growing up so quickly. So fast that I can’t help but want to keep them close and tight to my heart. Grow well, learn well and have lots and lots of fun my girls.

Labour day long weekend

Sigh it’s not a good end to the otherwise lovely long Labour Day weekend, R is sick. It could me he caught my lingering 100 day cough, but who knows? All the kids are showing signs of stuffy noses, I know that this is the start of yet another cycle of family illness. I just hope it’s a light one this time and ends soon. Sigh.

Friday night was so fun because I decided that we should all go for movies in the park. We only lasted the first half hour of the movie because it was too chilly and windy. But the picnic before that was great and the kids really enjoyed rolling around the park.

Saitaomei was so happy, I really should bring her out a lot more.

My father seemed to enjoy the experience, he said this was Australian life, which I after.

The next day I brought Saitaoha to the zoo, it was her first zoo experience and her belated birthday treat.

I think the highlight of the zoo for Saitaoha wasn’t the animals but getting to hang out all day with LG jeje. She adores her cousins and has hero worship haha.

Enjoying her chips and Dino nuggets for lunch.

I think the icecream was her main course, she had two that day!

We bought them rainbow capes and it brought us luck because we scored a great parking spot.

She wasn’t sure this was a lion due to the lack of mane πŸ˜…. This girl sped through all the animals, always saying ‘let’s go see another one’. Alamak quantity over quality this Saitaoha.

They had more fun with each other than the animals.

I almost died of embarrassing when Saitaoha pointed to a little girl and asked ‘what’s that?’ as if she was another animal in the zoo. Luckily the little girl’s mum was a good sport and answered merrily ‘it’s a monkey!’

I really hope they stay close and continue to be great friends as they grow up.

The long weekend festivities didn’t end there for the lucky Saitaoha. Yee yee brought her out for a Freo outing the next day.

She looks rather small here.

But so grown up here! Please don’t get a tattoo when you become a teenager ok.

Another icecream day! Right before bedtime she declared to me ‘mummy I love ice cream!’ ‘Yes I know Saitaoha’. ‘Let’s go eat icecream tomorrow’.

Long weekends are the best.

Saitaoha is 3

I’m a tad embarrassed that my parents are still driving me to and fro from work occasionally. In my 30s! But I have to admit, I love our little chats in the cars and it’s so nice to see the little ones and my ah pa and ah ma at the end of a work day.

It was Saitaoha’s 3rd birthday yesterday and the doting yee yee stopped by with a cake even though she’s already had two!

Her third birthday cake.

The second one that we had the past weekend during a family gathering.

Her giant birthday cake from Secret Recipe, their cakes are so huge and affordable compared to Aussie ones. Her grandparents were mighty pleased with her sitting in front of the cake by herself, as if it were a great feat #grandparentslens #thekidcandonowrong

I didn’t even get to eat this cake because it was our last night in Kuching where I had severe cramps and threw up all night.

I love these series of photos of my two, they were so happy playing together :). I love it that they will have each other to grow up together.

Three years of motherhood, it feels a lot longer sometimes. But I also know it will go by in a flash and I will miss her early years so much. I already miss her as a baby and cheeky toddler. She’s so good at communicating and expressing herself nowadays, we can have long conversations and she always surprises us with her vocabulary. I guess no expectations is a good thing, we are thrilled with all her little developments and milestones.

I pray that my little girl will continue to grow up healthy and happy, surrounded and loved by her family and friends.

Happy 3rd birthday Saitaoha πŸ’•πŸ’•πŸ’•

March 2019

