Archive for April, 2024

Hello stranger

Wow I didn’t realise that I haven’t updated my WordPress for months! I think this is because I’ve been writing in my journal and every now and then Dayre so it feels silly to be writing entries so many times.

Found this in my photo gallery last night, my silly girl took over my phone and took a series of selfies. This photo is very Saitaomei, cheerful, funny and full of beans.

And this photo is very Saitaoha, quiet and sensitive.

A rare night out when my parents were cajoled by their grandchildren to go for a coffee at night ! I hope they enjoyed their icecream and a night out. I love impromptu outings like these that bring us so much joy.

Girls finally made it to the office with me after a bout of illnesses. I think they really enjoyed the day in the office, Saitaomei was so disappointed when I told her we weren’t going back the next day.

Our Easter staycation in the city, I think the kids had fun but it was marred by my sickness. I am so sick of being sick.

They want to be artists when they grow up. I may be biased but I do love their artwork!

So much fun when the cousins are together. Their swimming has improved a lot.

My indulgent parents who bought this expensive jungle gym set for their grandchildren. I hope they love it for many years to come.

I think this was a visit to papa’s dental clinic!

After what felt like a long day at work, I wasn’t keen to meet up with my ex best work friends for drinks after work. But I dragged myself along because these are some of my favourite people outside of my family. As we were laughing and talking about the anecdotes of our heaven and hell days of working together, I was glad that I decided to go after all. It’s a reminder that no matter how tiring work is, it will never be those hellish days again. Also a reminder that I have really really good people around me, and there’s so much to life besides work. I am lucky and blessed beyond words.

April 2024

