Archive for the 'Korean' Category

A Week of My Life – Day 1 Monday

Both my sisters Jan, Jo (plus Jan’s friend Heri) and I will be posting daily  ‘A week of my life’ blogs for the entire week. Please visit their blogs (see my blog links on the right sidebar) and leave comments for their posts, we all love comments, the more the better!

Monday morning started as usual, shivering in the wind at the bus stop outside my house. Luckily I bought new tights to wear with my office skirt. Hooray for tights and stockings!

It was a good thing Jan reminded of our blogging project the night before because I almost forgot to bring my camera to work. I placed it in my workbag before going to bed but ended up forgetting to bring my mobile to work *slap forehead*. My bag was soo heavy today because I had to bring in all the work stuff from Alice Springs plus the laptop.

Waiting to cross the lights at the corner of St. Georges Terrace and William Street (the terrace is our CBD). Every morning I stand with the crowd and pretend that I’m a mature working adult, but really I’m listening to my Chinese pop songs on my ipod, staring at the blue sky and thinking up new excuses to call in sick.

Reaching my workplace, can you guess which is my office building? Rumour is we’re moving soon, we’ve been promised wide open spaces and river views. If that does happen, I’ll remember to blog about it.

I’ve been teased about the never diminishing supply of apples on my desk (funnily enough apple girl was also one of my nicknames in high school). I like crunching on apples when I’m feeling peckish or lack energy, I also share my apples with starving colleagues.

I received another present from a colleague! This time it was from the colleague who I helped at Alice Springs, she wanted to thank me for my assistance at the conference. So nice (^___^). Jan and Jo, did you all notice the lizard on the packaging, she bought the present from a store called Leaping Lizards, so scary (my sisters and I have a lizard phobia)!

Inside was a postcard of Ayers Rock with a lovely thank you message. My colleague  knew that I had been trying to take a picture of Ayers on the plane. Haha, so now I have the fridge magnet AND the postcard.

She got me a beautiful sandpot! I really really like it because it reminds me of the colours of Alice Springs and the gorgeous desert landscape. Very very pretty.

Lunchtime! Reading James Herriot again, in case you think I’m James Herriot obsessed (which I admit I am a bit lah) I’m re-reading the entire series and his books are great in that they’re spilt into little stories so I read a couple of stories every lunch.

Lunch was stir-fried Korean sweet potato vermicelli with chicken, beancurd, peanuts and cabbage strips in sukiyaki sauce. It’s been a while since I’ve had a hot lunch so I enjoyed it.

Time to go home, the sun is going down. My bus doesn’t stop outside my house but instead stops at the suburb center.

I stop at the supermarket and the fruit and veg shop almost every day to buy daily groceries. For some reason I don’t really bulk buy my groceries instead opting to buy my ingredients daily and planning my dinner/lunches depending on what’s available.

Today asparagus was cheap so I bought a bunch. Dinner was grilled chicken (seasoned with salt, pepper, dried rosemary and a dash of white wine), grilled tomatoes and asparagus. I still have half a bunch of asparagus left over so will have to think what to cook with it tomorrow.

End of Day 1. More tomorrow!

May 2024

