Goodbye London

Finally arrived back in Perth. Phew.

Even though I’m glad that the mind numbing long travel is over, I still feel sad.  I don’t really mind that the holiday is over (even though I do wish it was a bit longer) or even the thought of going back to work. It was just really sad leaving my sister, brother-in-law and baby Kaka.

This trip really wasn’t about exploring the sights and sounds of London (even though we did a bit of that). It was all about spending time with my sister and her family and we managed quite a lot of that.

It was lovely being part of baby’s life for the brief two weeks, participating in her daily activities, seeing her happy smiles  in the morning, her intense focused expressions when watching Peppa Pig, her quiet happy face when reading her a story, her funny grimaces when trying solids,  her joyful giggles during bath time etc. I will miss her greatly and be counting down to the days when her daitaoha yee yee can read her a story again.

Of course, I would be lying if I said life with a baby was all smooth sailing and trouble free. I’ve witnessed how being stuck in traffic with a crying baby can make a red traffic light seem like an eternity. The tears streaming down from baby’s woeful face was such a heartbreaking sight and I felt so so sorry for baby (and for the stressed out parents too!).  Babies are hard work and it’s been amazing seeing how my sister and brother-in-law are coping so well with being parents. They are a team.  My sister is a wonderful, loving mother, Andy is such a fun, funny and caring babba. I only wish we could be around more to help out with baby. But maybe someday soon.

The earlier part of 2012 was shaky and troubled. But for the past few months, I have just been feeling very lucky. Lucky because I have such a great family (this includes R too 🙂 ). And the best part is, the family is growing.

Thanks for the fantastic two weeks Jan, Andy and dearest Kaka. Andy, thank you for being such a great bro-in-law, and for taking such good care of our precious sister and niece, I know that they are in good and safe hands with you. Thanks Jan, don’t be too sad, we will see you again in a few months and we can bring Kaka to try her first kolo mee in Kuching. Bye bye baby, you can’t read yet, but when you grow up, I hope this blog will still be around for you to know that your yee yees love you very very much.

2 Responses to “Goodbye London”

  1. 1 slappedbygunk September 24, 2012 at 8:29 pm

    We miss you and Jo lots 😦 We had bath time today and it wasn’t the same without her yees yees around to entertain Kaka whilst she got dressed.

  2. 2 daitaoha September 25, 2012 at 11:46 am

    i miss peppa pig watching!

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September 2012

