Archive for December 17th, 2022

Tristan is 10

Friday was great because we had some comforting Kuching food for dinner. Tbt work week started off bumpy, I was feeling tired and conscious about my cough, it was possibly the first week that I wasn’t that keen about work. It ended with my boss telling us about his resignation, I wasn’t surprised but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon.

I felt relieved when I heard the news? A tad disappointed that I wouldn’t get to learn more from him because he is a wealth of knowledge and has so much experience in this sector. But yes, relieved too because I’ve been thinking that he’s the one thing that makes me feel uneasy about my new job. It’s weird, I feel grateful towards him, but somehow we are such different people, with such different values that I was worried that I would never be at ease or comfortable with him.

Anyway I think it will all turn out fine in the end. I’m feeling positive.

My nephew turned 10 today, it feels like it wasn’t that long ago when he was born and I visited him at the hospital and met him for the first time. And just like that a decade has flown by.

The cousins had a bubble filled picnic at the playground, I hope the birthday boy had a wonderful day. His parents made sure he was celebrated and he is so loved.

The girls love it whenever it’s one of the kids’ birthdays, they have been counting down to Tristan’s birthday and enjoyed helping to wrap his present.

I know it won’t be long before my big girl turns 10 too, I’ve promised her her own bedroom and a new home by the time she’s 10, I sure hope I can keep my promise!

A week that ends with lots of family time is a good week. I’m glad we ended it with bubbles, sunshine and cake.

December 2022

